The developers have even proposed a fixed launch date

Oct 30, 2015 09:04 GMT  ·  By

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is the sequel to the unappreciated cult game Mirror’s Edge. It was developed by a "small" studio called DICE. People have been asking for a continuation of the story for a long time, and it was supposed to arrive this year, but the game has been pushed to 2016.

It's not all that uncommon for games to be delayed past a very busy holiday season. A lot of heavy hitters are about to land, and they are going to dry out many wallets. It might also mean that the team is not ready with the game, and we've all seen what happens when you release something that is far from ready. Titles like Assassin's Creed Unity or Batman Arkham Night have caused significant problems for the studios and publishers. This is a mistake that Electronic Arts doesn't intend to make.

Mirror’s Edge Catalyst is the kind of game that will be scrutinized by all the old fans. It's not a new IP, and people will be looking to find something better than the previous game. The developers have already announced that they want to create a huge city for the players to explore, and that alone will create complications.

A delay is a good thing

The developers of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst have set a precise launch date for the game, May 24, 2016. This gives them almost six more months to put the finishing touches on what needs to be an incredible game.

"So we’ve made the decision to bring Mirror’s Edge to the world starting May 24, 2016. We will use these few extra months to make sure that when you step into the massive City of Glass and experience the rise of Faith, it’s as entertaining, impressive, and memorable as it can be. Mirror’s Edge Catalyst has received an incredible response from fans around the world over the past months. You’ve been eager to see the return of Faith and the unique style and gameplay that only Mirror’s Edge can create," wrote Sara Jansson, Senior Producer for Mirror's Edge Catalyst.

And, of course, you can pre-order the game right now, for PC and PlayStation 4, if you're feeling adventurous.