New updates now available on mobile devices

Aug 20, 2020 06:16 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft Teams has become a must-have solution these days given so many people are still working from home, and the Redmond-based software giant is working around the clock to improve the experience with the service not only on the desktop, but on mobile too.

Because yes, Teams supports both Android and iOS with dedicated apps for these platforms, and the updates that Microsoft releases typically bring lots of goodies.

This is the case of the new updates published this week and which include tons of improvements for both iPhone and Android.

For example, Microsoft Teams for Android now allows users to upload an image directly to their gallery and search inside chats and channels. Furthermore, the app now allows users to generate links for meeting invites, allowing others to join without a Teams account.

New Teams for iOS version

On the iPhone, the update brings a daily agenda view of the upcoming meets, and users can join, edit, or share them with contacts.

There’s also a major improvement concerning videos in calls and meetings, as Microsoft Teams now allows Apple users to see more videos at the same time on their devices. On the iPhone, the new grid is 2x4, so you can see 8 videos at the same time, while on the iPad, the limit has been upgraded to 9 with a 3x3 configuration.

Users who connect to Teams on a limited data plan can also configure the amount of data that the app can use while the video is on.

Overall, these are without a doubt welcome updates, especially because more people are using Microsoft Teams these days, not only on the desktop but also on mobile and on the web. The new versions of the apps are already available for download with the improvements mentioned above.