This is the ultimate “ultimate laptop” built by Microsoft

Oct 19, 2015 07:28 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft calls the Surface Book the “ultimate laptop” because it comes with the most powerful hardware you can find right now out there, but at the same time, it’s also one of the most expensive “books” that money can buy at the moment.

But if you really want the ultimate “ultimate laptop,” which has not only the top hardware but also the biggest price, Microsoft has prepared something more exciting for you: the 1TB version of the Surface Book, which retails for no more, no less than $3,199 (2,815 Euro).

Although it was also announced on October 6, when Microsoft took the wraps off the Surface Book, the 1TB configuration wasn’t available for pre-order until today, when it has finally showed up in the online Microsoft Store.

Unexpected shipping date

Even if you can pre-order the Surface Book with 1TB of storage space today, the device won’t ship until January 22, 2016, which means that it should arrive at your door in approximately 3 months. That’s clearly the worst news you can get when buying a device that you really can’t wait to try, but apparently, Microsoft really has a hard time coping with demand for this configuration.

So what is this model all about?

First of all, just as its name states, the Surface Book comes with 1TB of storage space, which is the largest amount of storage that you can get right now on this device. Second of all, it features an Intel Core i7 processor, 16 GB of RAM, and an NVIDIA graphics processor, which should help when playing games or processing videos.

Obviously, this is clearly one very powerful productivity machine, but on the other hand, the price is more or less shocking, mostly because you can get a monster computer with the very same amount of money. Not as portable as the Surface Book, but still.