Free OneDrive storage to drop to 5 GB starting July

Apr 15, 2016 11:58 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has started sending out emails to let users know that it’s cutting down the amount of free OneDrive storage from 15 GB to 5 GB, with the change to come into effect on July 13.

The decision to reduce the free storage offered to users on OneDrive was announced in late 2015, but following public backlash, the company decided to make a change and cut the storage only for users who don’t claim their free space.

Users had until late January to do so, which means that everyone who didn’t manually claimed their 15 GB of free OneDrive storage will get downgraded to 5 GB.

Migrate all your data before mid-July

In emails that are now being sent to these users, Microsoft explains whether any actions are necessary, depending on how much space is being used in OneDrive.

“There is no action you need to take, because your OneDrive is currently below the new storage limits,” the email sent to someone who has less than 5 GB of data in OneDrive reads. As WinSuperSite notes, these emails appear to be tailored to each user based on the amount of used storage in their accounts.

“Even though you aren’t currently affected, we want to keep you updated on all important changes to OneDrive. If you’d like to check your account, you can visit the Storage space,” the email reads.

Those who exceed the 5 GB limit are provided with a list of options to make sure that the cut won’t affect their files. The email reveals that the downgrades will occur on July 13, so all actions need to be taken by this date.

New users creating accounts on OneDrive will only receive 5 GB while everyone else who claimed their storage will continue benefitting from 15 GB as was the case before the cut.