Satya Nadella publishes statement after US elections

Nov 10, 2016 08:28 GMT  ·  By

Donald Trump is the new President of the United States, and as we told you yesterday, this isn’t exactly the best news for technology companies, as the Republican candidate pledged for changes that do not entirely align with what the likes of Microsoft and Apple want to do in the future.

While Apple has always been more vocal, mostly because of its direct dispute with the FBI over the San Bernardino iPhone that the government wanted the company to hack, Microsoft tried to remain as neutral as possible, despite its own lawsuit with the US over search warrants for information stored overseas.

Satya Nadella himself wanted Microsoft to be friends with everyone, and that’s exactly his position after Donald Trump was elected President of the United States.

Looking forward to working with president-elect

In a statement released today, Nadella congratulates Donald Trump, but says very little about how Microsoft sees the next four years with the new President at the helm of the country. Furthermore, Nadella is playing it safe and says the Softies “look forward to working” with the newly elected candidates.

“Yesterday we witnessed the democratic process in action here in the US. The results are of importance around the world, and I know that interest is shared among Microsoft employees. We congratulate the president-elect, and look forward to working with all those elected yesterday,” he says.

“Our commitment to our mission and values are steadfast, and in particular fostering a diverse and inclusive culture. With that in mind and looking to the future, Brad Smith today outlined in a blog Microsoft’s thoughts and recommendations for the new Administration and Congress.”

At the first glance, Satya Nadella is doing the right thing, as Microsoft needs to be in good terms with the United States government, especially now when Donald Trump becomes the President. And the statement provided today comes in line with what Nadella has said in the past, adopting the same gentleman approach that the CEO of the company is so appreciated for.

But at the same time, Microsoft might also be setting itself apart from other companies who aren’t the biggest supporters of Donald Trump, as is the case of Apple. Both Microsoft and Apple fought for the same goals several times in the past, and going forward together is the thing that tech firms need to do right now, so it’ll be interesting to see how all companies react to Donald Trump’s winning of the presidential race.