Chinese government to make the switch to Windows 10

May 24, 2017 09:06 GMT  ·  By
Microsoft says it worked with the govt for two years to get this version ready
   Microsoft says it worked with the govt for two years to get this version ready

Microsoft announced Windows 10 China Government Edition, a new version of its operating system that’s specifically aimed at the Chinese government who required special security and manageability features for the latest Windows version.

Terry Myerson, Executive Vice President, Windows and Devices Group, says Microsoft worked with the Chinese government for nearly two years to get this version of the operating system ready for use on state computers. It was developed by CMIT, the local joint venture that Microsoft formed with CETC.

Windows 10 China Government Edition is now entering a trial stage, with three different government customers to pilot the operating system before it’s widely adopted on more systems. China Customs will try out Windows 10 at national level, while the City of Shanghai and state-owned enterprise Westone Information Technology will also install it on an undisclosed number of systems.

Lenovo to disable Windows 10 China Government Edition PCs

The operating system is based on Windows 10 Enterprise Edition, but comes with custom settings for the Chinese government, including more control over telemetry and updates, plus the possibility for China to use its own encryption algorithms, and also to remove OS features that employees do not use, like OneDrive.

Lenovo will be the first OEM to adopt this operating system and launch devices running it, but these won’t be publicly available, as they’re specifically targeted at the government.

“For more than two decades, Microsoft has had the distinct honor to work in China, learning and advancing technology together. Over the last two years, we have earnestly cooperated with the Chinese government on the security review of Windows 10. The Chinese government has the highest standards for security. The tools they choose to use for productivity and creativity must meet the highest levels of quality,” Myerson explained.

The partnership with China makes it possible for Microsoft to expand in one of the world’s largest markets, which is particularly important for the company especially when taking into account that a big part of the country is using either old Windows versions or pirated copies of the operating system.