Old Surface tablets chargers posing a fire hazard

Jan 20, 2016 07:28 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has recently issued a safety recall for Surface customers, informing that the charger included in the box of some older models could pose a fire hazard under certain conditions.

A report posted by Channelnomics reveals that only old models are impacted by this recall, including Surface Pro, Surface Pro 2, and Surface Pro 3, all of which came with chargers that are prone to overheating.

Microsoft says that if the cords are sharply or repeatedly bent of tightly wrapped (which is how most people wrap the cord anyway), the cables are prone to overheating and could thus catch fire.

Customers of these particular models will have a new website going live this Friday, where they can post a ticket and ask for a replacement. A new charger will then be sent to them, with Microsoft saying that all customers will be instructed on how to recycle the existing unit.

Only a few units actually affected

Redmond has also confirmed in a statement that it’s indeed replacing some damaged chargers, but has pointed out that only a small number of customers seem to be affected by this (remember that the issue has been confirmed on three different models, starting with the original Surface Pro and ending with the Surface Pro 3).

“As a result of damage caused by AC power cords being wound too tightly, twisted or pinched over an extended period of time, a very small proportion of Surface Pro customers have reported issues with their AC power cord. We will be releasing details of how customers can obtain a free replacement cable shortly,” a company spokesperson has said in a statement.

New devices such as the Surface Pro 4 and the Surface Book are not impacted by this recall, and Microsoft informs us that all customers can continue using their devices without any risk of fire.