Instant translation now available in Edge browser

Mar 4, 2019 07:48 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft keeps improving Edge on all supported platforms, including both desktop and mobile, and today it’s the turn of the iOS version to get a new update.

While Microsoft Edge for Windows 10 is currently being reworked to migrate to the Chromium engine, the iPhone sibling gets new features regularly, especially as the app grows to become a mature browser.

Microsoft Edge for iOS has thus reached version 42.11.4, which comes with a key new feature to automatically translate websites in a different language.

In other words, whenever you load a page that’s in a language different from the one you’re using on your iPhone, Microsoft Edge can use Bing Translator to translate all the text automatically.

To enable this feature, you first need to head over to Settings > Translate Settings > Bing Translator and enable this feature. Upon loading websites in other languages, the browser asks you to translate pages to your language, and you are allowed to dismiss the notification or perform the translation.

Instant translation not yet available on Android

What’s important to note is that this feature seems to be exclusive to iOS for the time being, but there’s obviously a good chance Microsoft is working on bringing to Android too. You need to be running the said version to get the translation feature.

Microsoft claims this new release also includes additional bug fixes and performance improvements without sharing any other specifics.

The previous Microsoft Edge for iOS update was published in late January and it brought support for Microsoft Rewards. “Search on Microsoft Edge and earn Microsoft Rewards points! Then, track your points on the Microsoft Rewards dashboard on Microsoft Edge,” Microsoft announced when it rolled out this update.

You can download the new Microsoft Edge for iOS from the App Store using this link.