The dates of the next big Microsoft event have been revealed

Mar 31, 2022 08:42 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has recently announced that its biggest event this year will take place between May 24-26, with the company to therefore give us the chance of getting a closer look at some of its products and the updates coming in the short term.

For many people out there, Build is the perfect opportunity to see what’s coming to Windows, as Microsoft typically provides an early look at some of the improvements it plans to release for the operating system.

In theory, this year’s Build should be no different, so we should be able to see how Windows 11 will be improved with the major feature update, with Microsoft expected to provide a preview of the goodies that are already part of (or will soon be) the Windows Insider program.

Unsurprisingly, the 2022 edition of Build will take place in a digital format, as Microsoft won’t be holding a physical event for obvious reasons.

Registration to open in late April

The registration process for Build 2022 will kick off in late April, and given the event will take place online, there will be no fees.

Microsoft provides a preview of what to expect at this year’s edition of the event:

“Explore the latest innovations in code and application development—and gain insights from peers and experts from around the world. You will meet the engineers behind the Microsoft platforms you use every day and connect with a diverse group of coders who want to hone their skills. Learn the tools and technologies that help you create solutions you can build today. Explore new developer technologies and techniques that will drive your vision and expand your toolkit. Bring your technical questions—and imagination—and leave with new knowledge and skills.”

Microsoft says the biggest change this year will be the market-specific content for France, Germany, Japan, Latin America, and the United Kingdom.