Skip Ahead ring now officially open with limited seats

Jan 31, 2019 09:50 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has opened the doors to users who want to be part of the next Windows 10 version testing, allowing the enrollment in the Skip Ahead ring of the Windows Insider program.

Users can thus become part of the Skip Ahead ring right now in order to receive the first Windows 10 19H2 builds projected to go live in a few weeks.

As it happens every time when Microsoft begins working on a new Windows 10 update, the Skip Ahead ring comes with limited seats, so you need to enroll your device as fast as possible.

In the meantime, Microsoft is also working on finalizing Windows 10 19H1, which should be ready this spring. Preview builds for this particular OS update will be shipped going forward to users in the Fast, Slow, and Release Preview rings, though right now, only the first of these three is getting such builds.

Subtle changes at first

Users who become part of the Skip Ahead effort won’t see any breaking changes in the first builds, as the development of Windows 10 updates advances slowly, especially in their early days.

However, Microsoft will combine align the Skip Ahead and the Fast rings by shipping the same builds shortly after Windows 10 19H1 goes live, so even if you miss this limited program, you won’t be losing too much.

Also, it’s important to keep in mind that builds published as part of the Skip Ahead ring could be buggier than those in the rest of the rings, so you shouldn’t install them on productivity devices.

Windows 10 19H2 is projected to be finalized in September as version 1909 before becoming available to users starting with October this year. Of course, breaking changes will make their way to users as development advances, so expect new features and major improvements later this spring.