This build continues Microsoft’s focus on icons

Jun 9, 2016 04:32 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft’s obsession with refining icons in Windows 10 continues with build 14361, as the company has rolled out some new improvements, this time to a bunch of new items.

File Explorer and Recycle Bin are the two icons that received the bigger number of improvements throughout the development of Windows 10, and the latter even caused a controversy that Microsoft wants to forget about as soon as possible.

More recently, Redmond experimented with new icons for the file manager once again, first trying a monochrome design and then returning to a more classic approach following user criticism.

New icons in this build

And now, Microsoft is introducing a new Blu-ray disc icon, which, according to its own statement, is supposed to be more consistent with the other drive icons in Windows 10. Certainly, this new icon does look good, but only a few users are actually likely to spot it since it’s not exactly in one of the most used parts of the operating system.

Additionally, Microsoft has also improved the icon for the network Quick Action “to better represent it as an entry point to the network flyout (previously, it was a generic globe icon),” as it explains. This is a nice touch, that’s for sure, and more users are likely to see this change.

Although many people are likely to consider icon restyling just a minor improvement to an operating system, having a fresh look for icons in Windows 10 is actually a critical thing because it contributes to the modern look and feel that the product is supposed to give to users.

Furthermore, by adopting a new design, users can easily make a difference between operating systems while Windows 10 can step away from its predecessors, which were based on design languages popular at the time of their release.

The Anniversary Update is expected to debut next month, so some minor icon improvements here and there could still happen. As always, insiders will see them first before everyone else.