An update is coming to Xbox One, 360, and PS3 soon

Sep 14, 2015 12:15 GMT  ·  By

Konami confirms that it's managed to fix the save corruption issue in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain across PC and PS4 platforms. Meanwhile, PS3, Xbox One, and Xbox 360 users still have to be weary of using Quiet as a buddy during specific missions, lest their save game files become unusable.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain launched earlier this month, and while the initial release of the title went off pretty well with the exception of some server issues, lots of fans had no major issues with the single-player campaign.

Unfortunately, soon enough, a pretty nasty issue was uncovered by users across all platforms, leading to their save game files getting corrupted.

Konami investigated the case and soon found the actual root cause. Apparently, it was all related to using the attractive Quiet as a buddy during two specific missions, Episode 29 and 42. Immediately after, Konami offered some more information, confirming that Quiet could be used during those encounters, provided some precautions were met, like using the Butterfly emblem.

The nasty glitch is solved on PC and PS4

Now, the studio mentions on Twitter that it's rolled out updates for The Phantom Pain on PC and PS4, in order to solve the actual glitch. Fans playing the game across Xbox One, Xbox 360, or PS3 will have to wait a bit more until updates arrive for their own devices. There’s no estimated time of arrival from Konami, so it's unclear how long they'll have to wait.

What's more, the Japanese publisher also emphasizes that it's continuing to look into the server issues relating to the Forward Operating Base multiplayer system while developing solutions to help affected platforms. These fixes should be implemented soon enough in the online mode.

Expect to hear more about Metal Gear Solid V's Metal Gear Online mode later this week, during the Tokyo Games Show 2015, ahead of its debut on consoles in October and on PC in January.