Fans were lied to about one shocking death on season 5

Jul 21, 2015 15:17 GMT  ·  By

“Game of Thrones” delivered even more death and gore with its more recent, fifth season, but not one compared to the death scene included at the end of the final episode, “Mother’s Mercy.”

Amid assurances from producers and actors that said character was really dead and not coming back at all, a major spoiler has been delivered all the way from Belfast.

*Be advised that this post contains major spoilers, so don’t read any further if you’re yet to catch up with the events on season 5.*

Among those to insist the hardest that the character was deader than dead was Kit Harington, the actor playing it. Indeed, “Game of Thrones” left us with a huge cliffhanger, when the Jon Snow’s own brothers on the Wall murdered him in cold blood for trying to save the wildlings from the White Walkers, by bringing them beyond the Wall.

The biggest GoT fansite Watchers on the Wall spotted Kit Harington in Belfast several times in the past few weeks and he’s sporting long hair again. Belfast is the setting for most of Kings Landing and The Wall, so that means that Harington will return as Jon Snow.

Apparently, he’s been seen around quite a lot, which means he’s not in town only for a funeral scene. “Harington has also refused to take photos with any fans in Belfast recently, according to several Twitter mentions,” the post says.

Since he insisted Snow was dead, it makes sense for him not to want to be seen around. Well, it’s too late for that now: the cat is out of the bag.

Are you even surprised?