Avalanche is also offering more hints for the game

Dec 16, 2015 22:07 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Avalanche Studios and publisher Square Enix are ready to deploy a new major patch for Just Cause 3, labeled 1.02, on all platforms before the end of the week, introducing a number of tweaks to the game while improving some of the aspects of the game that the community has been complaining about since launch.

In an official blog post, the two companies explain that deployment will first take place on the PlayStation 4 in Europe during the morning of Tuesday and will then be introduced on the Xbox One soon after, once it is approved by Microsoft, and will finally be offered for the PC version of the title on Friday.

Avalanche Studios says that it has a long-term plan to improve Just Cause 3 based on the feedback offered by the fan community and that the 1.02 is set to be 132.1 MB big and will contain some tweaks.

The loading times for the title will be significantly improved, and overall stability should also be better on all platforms.

Online stats for Just Cause 3 will be optimized, and gamers should no longer have to deal with vehicles that disappear during challenges.

The studio acknowledges that not all problems with the open world Rico-powered experience will be eliminated and says that it is continuing to listen to feedback to offer fixes in the coming months.

Avalanche also explains that sprinting is absent from Just Cause 3 because they want gamers to use the grapple to move around the island of Medici and that crouching was not included because players should use the parachute to evade enemy fire before assaulting a position.

The announcement also suggests that there are no plans to introduce a dedicated mini-map for objectives, with gamers able to use the full map to find the final Chaos objectives when they need to.

Just Cause 3 might get DLC during 2016

Avalanche Studios has not talked about the future of the open-world experience, apart from explaining that it wants to make sure that the game runs smoothly for all those who own it.

It's possible that the studio will announce a set of downloadable content for the experience in 2016, adding more locations for Rico to explore or even new ways for him to interact with the environment.

Just Cause 3 was affected by frame rate problems on both home consoles and some PC gamers also complained about artifacts and areas where the game would slow to a crawl.

New drivers from both Nvidia and AMD improved the situation, but more work is needed to make sure that the game runs without problems at all times.

Just Cause 3 gives gamers a lot of freedom, enhancing the power of the grapple and the parachute while introducing a new wingsuit to give Rico improved mobility and more ways to approach the police station and military bases that he needs to liberate to remove Medici's tyrant leader.

The game delivers a lot of variety and fun and Avalanche seems determined to offer support in the long-term.