Welcome to 2016, dear Apple fans and iPhone users

Sep 26, 2017 08:06 GMT  ·  By

The latest information leaked about the iPhone X shows that it comes with measly 2716mAh battery and just 3GB of RAM.

People that have been waiting for the new iPhone X can imagine whatever they want about this device because there is little to no information about its hardware. It was officially presented and shown, but nothing more.

There are various reasons why Apple is not disclosing the hardware for their devices, but as a general rule, they never released this kind of information. It’s the community’s job to make sure that people stay informed.

Of course, until the first iPhones reach the right people with the right tools to dismantle them, we’re left with the leaks and various rogue information. And the latest leak is not flattering for Apple at all. If anything, it undermines the iPhone X before the launch.

Apple built a much to higher pedestal

Apple did what Apple does best, and that is to hype up the launch of a new device in a way that makes it seem like it’s the best thing that was ever made. They ignore everything before them, and they do their own thing.

According to Steve H., who regularly leaks information about upcoming products, details about the battery and RAM of the new iPhone X have been made public by Teena (Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology's Telecommunication Equipment Certification Center). According to a listing on Tenaa, the iPhone X will have 3GB of RAM and 2716mAh battery.

Let’s say that we put aside the 3GB of RAM, but we still have to deal with the ridiculous small battery. In their defense, Apple usually does a relatively good job with battery management, which means that the battery might be enough.

Why Apple chose such a small battery is not clear, especially since it’s a very big screen and it will certainly drain it faster. In any case, welcome to 2016, Apple!   

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