Apple planning to refine the design of the notch

Oct 8, 2020 08:53 GMT  ·  By

There was a time when the notch was a super-controversial feature, and when Apple brought it to the iPhone X, the entire world considered it a true blasphemy.

Samsung has even made a hobby about mocking Apple and its notch, but eventually, not only the South Koreans, but pretty much all phone makers out there ended up using it on their devices.

And it happened for a good reason: the notch allows certain front-facing features, like the selfie camera, to be integrated into the display and thus increase the available screen estate even more.

Apple now wants to further polish the look of the notch, and while the iPhone 12 wouldn’t bring any change in this regard, the next-next model will bring new refinements. According to leakster Ice Universe, while the iPhone 12 will come with a notch that looks pretty much like the one on the iPhone 11, the iPhone 13 will come with major improvements in this regard.

iPhone 13 notch improvements

If this leak is legit, then the iPhone 13 is projected to come with a smaller notch, as Apple wants to reduce the height, not the width, so overall the notch would become less intrusive.

Most likely, the notch update will be available on all iPhone 13 models launching in 2021, though it goes without saying that we’re still far from the moment the devices will be finalized, so a lot could change in the meantime.

Needless to say, you’d better not hold your breath for this thing to happen, though at first glance, a smaller notch pretty much makes sense. It’s not the first time people close to the matter speculate that a smaller notch is on its way, but up to this point, Apple hasn’t been really keen on making the whole thing happen.