Neglecting tower PCs is something Intel won't ever do again

Sep 16, 2015 08:41 GMT  ·  By

Last week's Intel conference at Citigroup made a lot of things clear about how the chip maker plans to orient itself on the market after its semi-failure to gain a strong foothold in the mobile world.

We covered a couple of things regarding Intel's view on mobiles, gaming and its renewed commitment to PCs.

Although we talked about how the Santa Clara-based giant bragged about how they managed to become relevant in the 2-in-1 market, the company finally accepted the reality of not being exactly a success, since the 2-in-1s are much more expensive than normal tablets, and people who looked for this kind of devices also showed interest in casual tablets.

However, Intel now admits that the mobile adventure was pretty much a failure and PCs should have been the main point of interest for the company all this time. Speaking at Citigroup, Intel's SV Kirk Skaugen said that the company’s focus is back on the PC market, and it is ready to support and sponsor the largest gaming events in the world with the utmost confidence in this sector.

The Broadwells are a lucrative offer wasted because of Intel's misguided ambition

It's highly possible that the recorded dip in PC sales for the last year or so may have been caused by Intel's unfortunate venture in the mobile computing market, and the fact that Intel managed to cough out barely two 5th generation Broadwells, the Core i7 and i5-5775C, which aren't bad at all, but actually quite good and fairly expensive as well.

Skaugen said during the conference that “We made an experiment and we said maybe we are putting technology into the market too fast, but let’s not build a chip for the mainstream Tower business, more than a $10 billion business, turns out that was a mistake.”

It seems that tower business owners actually care quite a lot about having the latest CPUs, and since Intel has ignored them for a long while, now they just lost a $10 billion opportunity, so the company definitely doesn’t want that to happen again.