Supports Khronos' 3D industry-defined 3D graphics APIs

Feb 7, 2017 22:54 GMT  ·  By

Intel's Imad Sousou has proudly announced that the open-source Intel Graphics Stack for Linux is now fully certified for the latest Khronos 3D industry-defined 3D graphics APIs, which include OpenGL 4.5, OpenGL ES 3.2, and Vulkan 1.0.

Intel currently provides the Linux community with industry-leading open source 3D graphics drivers for various GNU/Linux distributions, supporting all the Intel graphics platforms that have been released in the past ten years. These are usually integrated into all popular Linux OSes, including Ubuntu and Google's Chrome OS for Chromebooks.

Khronos Group, the non-profit organization chartered to promote the deployment and development of open standard APIs, which are known for bringing us the powerful Vulkan API for the next-generation 3D graphics in games, have announced last week the OpenGL 4.5 certification for three generations of Intel Core graphics platforms.

OpenGL 4.5 is the most advanced version of the widely-used 3D graphics API and introduces numerous enhancements and new security features. Intel Haswell GPUs already received OpenGL 4.5 support in the Mesa 3D Graphics Library stack for the open-source Intel 3D graphics driver, which are fully certified and integrated into Intel's Clear Linux operating system for Intel Architecture and Android IA.

"I would like to acknowledge our industry partners who closely collaborate with us to deliver our graphics drivers on a wide variety of Linux-based operating systems," said Imad Sousou, Vice President and General Manager of Intel Open Source Technology Center. "I would also like to thank the large community of volunteers and enthusiasts who support our efforts in delivering dependable, high-quality graphics drivers."

Latest Intel open source 3D graphics drivers coming soon to a distro near you

In the press announcement, Intel promises that its now fully-certified open source Intel 3D graphics drivers for OpenGL 4.5, OpenGL ES 3.2, and Vulkan 1.0 APIs are coming soon to a distro near you. The company says that they will be integrated into upcoming major releases of the Chrome OS on Intel-based Chromebooks featuring the Google Play Store, as well as SteamOS operating systems.

Of course, you can also download the latest Intel Graphics Stack for Linux from Intel. Plese note that OpenGL ES 3.2 is currently supported on the Intel i965 driver for Gen9 Intel Skylake and later graphics platforms. The Intel Graphics Stack for Linux currently supports Mesa 13.0 3D Graphics Library, X.Org Server 1.19.0 display server, and Linux kernel 4.8.11.