Union workers have unfinished business with the carrier, want compensations

Oct 14, 2011 14:29 GMT  ·  By

The Communications Workers of America says that union workers will attend the iPhone 4S launch today, but not with the happiest of thoughts. They will urge iPhone 4S buyers to fight corporate greed by refusing to choose or upgrade their Verizon Wireless service until the company compensates workers.

Leafleting began at 7:30 a.m at Apple's flagship Stockton Street store in San Francisco.

It will continue through the morning rush, followed by a 12:30 p.m. press conference, said CWA.

Union workers will also arrive at East Bay, and South Bay Apple Stores, as well as those situated in the Peninsula.

"We know tech lovers are eager to get their hands on the latest offering from Apple," said Libby Sayre, Northern California area director for Communications Workers of America (CWA).

"We're asking that when they do, they take into account the labor record of the service provider they choose. We're sure that union families in particular won't want to support a company that doesn't support its workers."

Their campaign, dubbed "iWon't", is also supported by the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), MoveOn.org, the AFL-CIO, US Action, Jobs with Justice, the National People’s Alliance and other groups.

The groups are using advertising and grassroots outreach to ask all Americans to delay upgrading to the new iPhone through Verizon Wireless until the company agrees compensate its workers as stipulated by contract.

“Since August, 45,000 Verizon and Verizon Wireless workers have been fighting to protect their health care coverage and other standard benefits against company demands for massive takebacks,” says CWA. “Despite their call for cuts, Verizon has reported record profits and paid hundreds of millions to its top executives,” the group claims.

“Today, we are asking everyone who cares about the future of the middle class to help us fight back,” said Chris Shelton, District 1 vice-president of CWA.