The Bluetooth mystery continues...

Sep 17, 2007 13:11 GMT  ·  By

Over the course of this weekend, the iPod touch should have made its way all across the United States and should be readily available and plans are underway for overseas shipping, but it looks like there are a few duds that have slipped through Apple's hands.

Besides the Apple Stores, the new must have gadget is making an appearance at Best Buy stores. Shipment of the new devices began arriving Friday and by now most stores should have both the 8GB and 16GB models for sale. Considering that this model has been on people's waiting list ever since the iPhone was first announced, it isn't surprising that Apple wants to make sure it is available in as many places as possible.

While the iPhone touch is hitting stores, it will still be a while before it becomes available in Europe. Apple promised that it would ship the device by the end of September, so it still has time to get in stores overseas. Currently, customers in Europe can pre-order the new device, but should expect shipping delays. Macworld reports that UK customers are being told the product should ship "by 28 September," which is still inside the promised timeframe, even if at the very end.

While those still waiting to buy an iPod touch have a lot to look forward to, some of those who have already bought it have very little to look at. Amazingly enough, some people have bought duds that have no operating system and only come equipped with what looks like a bios/diagnostic utility. While the devices are totally unusable, they have stirred up quite a lot of interest mainly because of the Bluetooth components that they portray in their interface. Despite Apple repeatedly claiming that the iPod touch has no Bluetooth whatsoever, these dud devices have Bluetooth indicators, some of which are shown as being disabled while others are shown as not being disabled, but not working either.

Whatever the case, the iPod touch launch is proving to be interesting both for those who have bought the devices and those still waiting.