The main inconvenient of mobile devices is the web-browsing experience

Mar 12, 2010 08:20 GMT  ·  By

Strategy Analytics has recently released the results of a survey among the iPhone users. The study reveals the fact that Apple iPhone owners are not only highly satisfied with their acquisitions, but, even more, they are most likely to buy their new phone from Apple as well.

The interrelation between satisfaction and the repeat-purchase animus appears to be a strong one, as the survey reveals. This Wireless Device Lab elaborates its study on satisfaction across 12 items versus repeat-purchase intentions from the main mobile-phone manufacturers.

Other illustrative conclusions have been drawn: the web-browsing experience has been the reason for which over half of the device users included in the survey are less than satisfied; 12-keypad product owners in the US are the least satisfied with the text-input platform and in Western Europe, even if LG owners indicate higher satisfaction levels, this does not necessarily represent higher levels of repeat-purchase intention.

On this matter, Paul Brown, director of User Experience Research at Strategy Analytics, commented, “In the US, respondents with full QWERTY keyboard or virtual keyboard are more satisfied than respondents who have a 12-key keypad for messaging applications. However, this is not the case in Western Europe, where satisfaction among 12-key keypad respondents for text input is also high.”

Kevin Nolan, vice president at Strategy Analytics, added, “Apple respondents are frustrated by low battery life – one of the most important priorities for those purchasing a new mobile device. Apple needs to work on improving battery life to ensure that respondents follow through on their repeat purchase intentions.”

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