The event of the day has gotten some cool responses

Sep 19, 2014 19:52 GMT  ·  By

The iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus are here. Everybody wants one and the lines at the Apple stores are huge. Comedians, or just funny people with Internet access have had their take on the new iDevices. 

It all started with Samsung a few days ago. The company has posted several videos that were mocking the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. However, they have got suspiciously quiet when Apple published their first sales report. It is understandable. Apple has sold record of four million iPhone and iPhone 6 in just 24 hours and Samsung's numbers were seven times lower.

Good stuff

The new videos come from people who are actually funny and they are not trying too hard to convince people to stay away from the new phones. For example, the first one mocks the iPhone commercials in Jony Ive's voice. The guys over at CollegeHumor are making fun of Apple's idea to change the chargers two years ago, the battery and Apple Maps. Yes, these are old jokes, but if you tell them at the right moment, they seem funny again.

The iPhone's breakable screen and Siri are the last two issues they mock and Ive himself gets some attention at the end.

The second video takes another laugh at the Apple - U2 fiasco. This one comes from Conan O'Brien's team and it mocks the users who didn't get that the free album was just a gift after all and nobody should be mad on Apple for gifting something.

Their solution is to take the U2 removal tool to the next level. Customers complaining about the free gift will be getting the new eRase U2 Service. This will remove the memory of the U2 album and all their memories about U2.

There's an app for that

Stephen Colbert of the Colbert Show got his iPhone 6 Plus so he forgets about his old iPhone 5s right away. He is pokes fun at the screen size and then he goes on a rant about an app called Checky. This is designed to reduce your dependency on the smartphone and check how many times you look at your screen.

He compares the app to the previous ways to see if you were paying too much attention to your phone: walking into a mall fountain or poor battery life. Colbert admits in a funny way he must be popular because he has a cool new phone.

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