Hopefully, for the manufacturers, Apple will not change its mind on the iPhone’s final design

May 19, 2010 10:51 GMT  ·  By
An early sample of protection skins dedicated to Apple's upcoming iPhone model
   An early sample of protection skins dedicated to Apple's upcoming iPhone model

Hardmac, the English version of French tech-site MacBidouille, has published an image depicting some of the first protective cases for Apple’s upcoming iPhone model. Leaked on numerous accounts, images of two fourth-generation Apple iPhones have seemingly convinced case manufacturers that Apple has settled on the final shape and size of the handset, prompting them to hurry up and craft these protective, stylish skins.

The site in question reveals that one of its contacts sent in this image (left) from China. It points out that this “first sample of protection skins dedicated to the forthcoming iPhone HD 4G … [is] already ready to ship while the device they are supposed to protect is not officially launched yet.” It adds that, “It also confirms the shape of the iPhone HD 4G,” although the images leaked by tech site Gizmodo and, later, Vietnamese forum Tinhte.com should be considered the most solid evidence that Apple has, indeed, added the final touches to the new iPhone’s design.

This is not the first time case manufacturers provide an early look at cases aimed to house Apple’s unreleased products. The same happened before Apple launched the iPhone 3G, two years ago, and ahead of the iPhone 3GS’ debut, last year.

Softpedia boasted an opinion regarding the final shape and size of Apple’s fourth-gen iPhone in a Personal Thoughts piece posted back in April. Following the first iPhone 4G prototype leak by Gizmodo, Softpedia noted that, “With its surprise announcement now (seemingly) compromised, a surprise design (or something) will have to be arranged for.” However, with such little time left to make any changes, it’s starting to look like the entire world has witnessed the final iPhone 4G / HD form factor.

Still, last-minute changes to the internal structure of the iPhone 4G may also take their toll on the handset’s enclosure. Should this happen, case manufacturers will need to adjust, or even drop these early designs.