iPhone theme based on Nintendo's old handheld console

Oct 28, 2008 17:01 GMT  ·  By

Many will agree that the GameBoy is one of the best things ever invented. One guy apparently loved it so much that he decided to make an iPhone theme based on the console's appearance. Two versions of the iGameBoy theme are available, and both are free to download and use on your device.

“Hello all - someone turned me on to this forum after I recently discovered Winterboard, and I've been lurking around collecting themes for a couple weeks,” says demonbaby. “Ever the tinkerer, I wanted to learn how to make my own theme, so I started with an idea of turning the iPhone into an original Gameboy.”

Download button version (Free).

Download full-screen version (Free).

The maker also posted instructions on how to use the iGameBoy theme. According to demonbaby, the button version works best with a 5 icon dock. Users must follow these steps to have it working properly on their devices:

- decide which five apps you're going to have on your dock - rename the _buttonX.png icons in the "icons" folder to the apps you want to assign them to (eg.: if you want Mail to be the first app on the dock, rename _button1.png to Mail.png) - you can just omit one of the dock buttons, if you don't want to use 5 icon dock - the theme requires leaving the bottom row of apps on the springboard blank.

Although the iGameBoy theme is already seriously cool, the creator also noted that others (you, perhaps) could contribute to make this theme even better, “I figured I'd share the results and see if anyone else wants to add any icons or enhancements, as I don't really have the time required to flesh this out much more,” he said.

To create icons,

- use the border layer as a starting point - use transparency to save the PNG files - use the pencil tool in Photoshop to draw nice clean pixel art with the four colors - when done with an icon, delete the background layer and resize the image to 60x60 (make sure you have interpolation set to "nearest neighbor" when you resize, to preserve the sharp pixel edges) - drag the "pixel grid for icons.psd" layer on top of your icon.

That's it!

We would love to hear what you think of the iGameBoy theme, so don't be shy and drop us a line.

Photo Gallery (2 Images)

iGameBoy theme button version
iGameBoy theme full screen version
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