Only three games are available, more are coming

May 2, 2019 20:22 GMT  ·  By

The Epic Games Store is gathering exclusive from major publishers and developers, but it looks like they are willing to bend the rules, just a little bit, and let people buy games keys for their exclusives from the Humble Store.

Steam has been king of the hill for many years, and quite a few other digital stores closed their gates after feeling the pressure to compete with this giant. Now, Epic Games and its Epic Games Store are putting pressure on Steam, in a way that matters, for the first time.

Epic is using some of the Fortnite money to buy up exclusive right and left. Borderlands 3, The Division 2, Anno 1800, and Metro Exodus are just a few of them, and it looks like more are on their way. While the concept on exclusive on PC is not something new, Epic seems to be redefining that.

Still an Epic Store Exclusive

More and more games are becoming exclusives, but what exactly does it mean? Users will have to run the games from the Epic Store, and they won’t be available anywhere else.

Now, Epic decided that keys for exclusive games that are only going to be available in their store can also be sold through the Humble Store. For now, Borderlands 3, Dangerous Driving, and Metro Exodus keys can be purchased, but it’s likely the list is going to be expanded. Furthermore, if you have a Humble Monthly subscription, you’re going to get an extra 10% discount on the keys, just not for Borderlands 3.

Having a game in two stores instead of one is not much, but it’s a step in the right direction. Steam keys are available from dozens of legitimate stores from all over the world, and it’s pushing the prices down. For now, the Epic Store feels a little bit like a monopoly.