132 cards, three additional factions, new tri-class cards

Nov 5, 2016 04:44 GMT  ·  By

Blizzard has just revealed a brand new expansion for their highly-acclaimed Hearthstone card game, “Mean Streets of Gadgetzan.” According to Blizzard, the new expansion will be released in early December, but players can already pre-order it for $49.99.

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan is not an adventure expansion, but a full-fledged expansion meant to bring many new cards into the game. Blizzard announced that the upcoming expansion contains no less than 132 new cards.

As the name suggests, the expansion is themed after the city of Gadgetzan, which might look fabulous at first glance, but major crime families lurk in the shadow of the streets.

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan introduces three new factions, each with their own cards and flavors: The Grimy Goons, The Jade Lotus, and The Kabal.

The Grimy Goons are bandits and weapon smugglers, so you'll notice quite a few weapon cards belonging to this faction, which will be restricted to some classes. The faction features a 5-mana Piranha Launcher card for hunters, which summons a 1/1 Piranha whenever your hero attacks.

Hearthstone, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Hearthstone, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

On the other hand, The Jade Lotus faction relies on stealth and assassination. One particular card that's been revealed at Blizzcon, a 5-mana 5/5 Lotus Assassin with Stealth regains this ability whenever it attacks and kills a minion.

Last but not least, The Kabal faction contains many spellcaster cards specialized in brewing customized potions. One of the common cards unveiled earlier today, the Kabal Talonpriest, has a Battlecry effect that gives a friendly minion +3 health.

Each of these factions is specific to certain classes: The Grimy Goons - Hunter, Paladin, and Warrior; The Jade Lotus - Druid, Rogue, and Shaman; The Kabal - Mage, Priest, and Warlock.

These are called tri-class cards and are supposed to change the meta-gaming and offer players more complex choices when building new decks.

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Hearthstone, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
Hearthstone, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
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