This release includes 58 security fixes, improvements

Jan 29, 2019 21:10 GMT  ·  By

After announcing the release of Chrome 72 for Android, Google promoted today the Chrome 72 web browser to the stable channel for Linux, Windows, and Mac computers too.

Google is introducing the Chrome 72 web browser for desktop platforms, including Linux, Mac, and Windows, a release that promises to add yet another layer of stability and security improvements in an attempt to offer you a better and more secure browsing experience whenever you're using Google Chrome.

Chrome 72 adds various novelties that the regular user won't notice, including a declaration of public class fields in scripts, a new User Activation Query API, service worker improvements, worker unhandled exception propagation, and other such elements that you can study in this in-depth article.

It also improves interoperability with other major web browsers and deprecates support for the TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 security standards, with the removal expected to finish in Chrome 81, due early 2020. It also no longer allows pop-ups during page unload, removes HTTP-based public key pinning, and preps users for the FTP deprecation.

"When even the linux kernel is migrating off of it, it's time to move on. One step toward deprecation and removal is to deprecate rendering resources from FTP servers and instead download them. Chrome will still generate directory listings, but any non-directory listing will be downloaded rather than rendered in the browser," said Google.

Chrome 72 contains 58 security fixes

With this release, Google fixes no less than 58 security vulnerabilities that affect numerous components of its Chromium-based web browser. Details about the security fixes implemented in Chrome 72 are available in the release announcement, along with the rewards received by the security researchers who discovered them.

The Google Chrome 72.0.3626.81 release is now rolling out to Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms and can be installed through the OTA (Over-the-Air) update system if you go to the Chrome menu and access the About Google Chrome page. You can also download Google Chrome 72.0.3626.81 for Linux, macOS, and Windows through our web portal.