Offers a stunning interface that's familiar to Windows users

Aug 21, 2018 12:32 GMT  ·  By

The Freespire 4.0 Linux-based operating system has been officially released as the first major version, as project leader Roberto J. Dohnert informed Softpedia earlier today.

Based on the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) operating system series, Freespire 4.0 promises to offer users a stunning graphical interface that's familiar to those coming from another Linux OS or even from a Windows OS. It also features an intuitive dark mode for professionals and those who like dark themes.

"Freespire 4.0 is a free release in both terms of cost and code. Freespire 4.0 is a migration of our current 16.04 LTS codebase to the 18.04 LTS codebase which brings with it many improvements to usability and to hardware support. Freespire 4.0 is also the base for our commercial Linspire release," said Roberto J. Dohnert.

Highlights of Freespire 4.0

Freespire 4.0 comes with a great collection of Open Source software projects, among which we can mention the Chromium 68 web browser, Geary 0.12 email client, AbiWord word processor, Gnumeric spreadsheet viewer and editor, Audacious audio player, Totem video player, Synaptic and G-Debi graphical package managers.

Best of all, Freespire 4.0 offers users support for installing both Snap and Flatpak universal applications, which opens the door to a wide range of software, both free and commercial, that users can enjoy on their personal computers. Lastly, it brings the Night Light mode that automatically adjusts the screen color temperature for night use.

You can download Freespire 4.0 right now from the official website if you want to install and test drive this Ubuntu-based operating system that was once known as Lindows and based on Debian GNU/Linux. The commercial edition, Linspire, will soon receive a major update as well, but it's not free to download and use like Freespire.