There is no information regarding an ETA

Apr 12, 2018 09:25 GMT  ·  By

Fortnite servers went down at roughly 5 AM EST for some emergency maintenance, and it looks like they are still down, eight hours later.

Fortnite is undisputedly one of the most played games right now, along with PUBG, so when the servers go down a lot of people are going to be affected. Usually, developers take the servers down for various reasons, like a new major update or regular maintenance.

Now, things are a little bit different. The reason originally provided by Epic Games was that they had to make emergency maintenance on the servers, and didn’t expect to last all that long. As you can see, things have become a little bit more serious.

Still no word on when it’s going back up

For a game as big and successful such as Fortnite, something bad has to have happened for the servers to be down for such a long time. The team at Epic Games have released some information regarding the cause of the problems.

“Login is currently blocked across all Epic endpoints, including games, websites, and the Epic Games Launcher. This is due to a database failure which we are working to resolve as quickly as possible. In a measure towards resolution, matchmaking will be blocked for a short period,” reads the announcement made by the team.

In fact, they initially released a fix, but the servers could not handle the traffic and went down again. From the looks, of it, Epic Games decided that it’s time for some more drastic measures.

“We'll be undergoing emergency downtime to deploy major upgrades to our database systems” is not exactly what the players wanted to know, but it’s happening. It looks like the servers are still not back up and there is no information regarding an ETA.

As it stands right now, players can’t log in, but we’ll let you know as soon as Fortnite becomes playable again.

Update: At 9:07 UTC, April 12, Epic Games announced that things are back to normal.