Thailand's vaccine appointment registration systems make it difficult for foreigners to schedule their vaccinations

Aug 2, 2021 13:51 GMT  ·  By

Opinions are divided on the debut of Thailand's vaccine appointment registration platform Numerous problems with the website have been reported, and only a small proportion of users said they received confirmation emails and upcoming appointments, according to The Thaiger.

Users began reporting errors and crashes as soon as the platform went live at 11 a.m. yesterday. Moreover, the platform was down for several hours after that. It was later discovered that sensitive information was left unprotected and, therefore, available to the public on the Internet. The good news is that the data breach appears to have been resolved at this time.

Concerns about safety and privacy arose after images of publicly accessible backdoors showed over 20,000 applicants' emails and personal details. According to several users who reported this, the site crashed after they provided their email address, causing them to receive an error message and asking them to restart the process or reload the page. The system did not accept their email address when they entered it.

Even if the system crashed, the backend database saved their input, so they could work around the problem and send their email address anyway. Some said it was better to use the immigration email address. Many advised keeping photos of your passport, visa, and any relevant medical records.

Even if the platform has issues, registrations are still being accepted

Despite the website crashes, glitches and outages, people kept trying and eventually got through. A user shared his confirmation email, which stated that he had been properly registered and would later receive another email with a vaccination appointment to be confirmed in 24 hours. The message also said that Vaccination centers outside Bangkok are going to be widely available.

The officials appear to be working rapidly to resolve the flaws and registrations are still being accepted despite the numerous difficulties. If the vaccination center begins to function properly and stabilizes, foreigners should be able to schedule their vaccination in Thailand.