The game is designed to add new ideas to the JRPG space

Mar 13, 2016 20:29 GMT  ·  By

Final Fantasy XV has been getting more details from the development team at Square Enix recently, and a new rumor about the Japanese role-playing game says that the company has also settled on a launch date of September 30 of this year.

The experience will be offered on the PlayStation 4 from Sony and the Xbox One, and Gematsu claims that three independent sources with knowledge of the title have corroborated the date.

Apparently, production and development delays associated with Final Fantasy XV are still possible, but the plan is to deliver the JRPG before the end of the year to keep the fan community as satisfied as possible.

At the moment, Square Enix is planning a big event associated with the video game for March 30 in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles and says that it intends to introduce more details presumably about a launch date and information about special hardware bundles.

The game was announced during E3 2013, and the development team in charge of it says that it has been exploring the core ideas for years before that date, with the Versus incarnation being first talked about in 2006.

The new Final Fantasy brings innovation to the franchise

The main character of the game is Noctis Lucis Caelum, and the story is centered around Lucis and Niflheim, two kingdoms in a world that's analogous to Earth in many ways but combines technology with the power extracted from a crystal.

Players will be able to recruit an extensive cast of supporting characters and will then travel the world trying to defeat their enemies while stopping an apocalyptic event that's known as the Plague of the Stars.

Square Enix has said that it is bringing a new set of mechanics to Final Fantasy XV, centered on a new Active Cross Battle System that should introduce more interesting choices during battles while challenging gamers to keep up a constant flow of actions appropriate to the situation.

According to the developers, the plan is to introduce a full open-world system for the JRPG and to give players a wide array of locations and characters to interact with.

Square Enix will probably not offer any more details about Final Fantasy XV before the end of March, but many of the title's core mechanics need to get more information soon in order to make sure that players are ready for it if it arrives on September 30.