It also includes updated library versions

Dec 6, 2016 23:40 GMT  ·  By

Today, December 6, 2016, the development team behind the powerful, free, open-source, and cross-platform FFmpeg multimedia framework released a new maintenance update in the FFmpeg 3.2 "Hypatia" series.

FFmpeg 3.2 was announced at the end of October 2016 with numerous new features and improvements, among which we can mention VP8 support for Ogg muxing, a True Audio (TTA) muxer, an OpenH264 decoder wrapper, a libopenmpt demuxer, an alias muxer for Ogg Video (.ogv), and extended MOV edit list support.

Additionally, there were a bunch of new audio filters included in the major FFMpeg 3.2 "Hypatia" release, such as acrusher, avgblur, crystalizer, gblur, hysteresis, lut2, maskedclamp, vaguedenoiser, weave, and yuvtestsrc, as well as MediaCodec VP8, VP9, HEVC and MPEG-4 decoding support and FFplay and SDL2 output device support.

FFmpeg 3.2.2 is now the most advanced FFmpeg release

FFmpeg 3.2.2 is the second point release in the FFmpeg 3.2 "Hypatia" series, coming less than two weeks after the first one, FFmpeg 3.2.1, and bringing fixes for a total of 30 issues reported by users since then. Please study the full Git log for all the technical details about these new bug fixes.

It also comes with up-to-date components, including the libavutil 55.34.100, libavcodec 57.64.101, libavformat 57.56.100, libavdevice 57.1.100, libavfilter 6.65.100, libavresample 3.1.0, libswscale 4.2.100, libswresample 2.3.100, and libpostproc 54. 1.100 libraries. It is now considered the most advanced version of FFmpeg that you can get for your Linux or Windows OS.

If you're using FFmpeg 3.2.1 or a previous version, you are urged to update to FFmpeg 3.2.2 as soon as possible for the best multimedia experience. You can download the FFmpeg 3.2.2 source archive right now from our website if you fancy compiling the software yourself or wait for the new release to land in the stable repositories of your operating system.