FFmpeg 3.1.1 is now available for select GNU/Linux distros

Jul 7, 2016 08:55 GMT  ·  By

The FFmpeg development team has announced recently the release of the first maintenance update for the FFmpeg 3.1 "Laplace" series of the popular open-source and cross-platform multimedia framework.

FFmpeg 3.1 "Laplace" was introduced more than a week ago, and it is now the latest stable and most advanced FFMpeg branch, already available in the main software repositories of various GNU/Linux operating systems, including the popular Arch Linux and Solus.

There were major improvements and new features introduced in FFmpeg 3.1 "Laplace," but bugs and annoying issues are always present even in a new major stable release of an open-source software project. Therefore, FFmpeg 3.1.1 has come out to fix some of these bugs reported by users, as well as to update core components.

Looking at the release notes, we can notice that FFmpeg 3.1.1 "Laplace" brings updates for numerous libraries. For example, it now includes libavutil 55.28.100, libavcodec 57.48.101, libavformat 57.41.100, libavdevice 57.0.101, libavfilter 6.47.100, libavresample 3.0.0, libswscale 4.1.100, libswresample 2.1.100, and libpostproc 54.0.100.

FFmpeg 3.1.1 is already in the Arch Linux repos

As usual, the FFmpeg developers note that FFmpeg 3.1.1 is now the latest stable FFmpeg release from the 3.1 series, which was cut from the Git master repository on June 26, 2016, and they recommend GNU/Linux OS maintainers to update their repositories with this new version.

To avoid system issues and crashes, you are advised to update your FFmpeg installation to the latest version available. To do that, you can either wait for the new version to arrive in the main software repos of your distro and update, or download the FFmpeg 3.1.1 sources right now via our website and compile the software yourself.