Gamers will find it harder to deal with the land of Oros

Feb 23, 2016 20:40 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer and publisher Ubisoft is announcing that as Far Cry Primal arrives in the hands of gamers all over the world gamers will be prompted to download a day one patch on the PC, the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 in order to get access to some new game features as well as some changes to the main mechanics.

The official site explains that "We’re happy to introduce a new difficulty setting to Far Cry Primal - Expert Mode - which will go all out and push you to the limits of your ability! Not only will enemies be more challenging, but Takkar will be more vulnerable to attacks, making every hostile encounter a more tense battle for survival."

The idea is to bring Far Cry Primal closer to the survival concept that inspired it and to really challenge players who are interested in taking on the environment and enemy tribes with more limited resources.

Gamers who activate Expert Mode in the game will have to deal with halved health compared to Hard and reduced aim assist for weapons while the computer-controlled opponents will be able to deliver their own shots a with an increase in speed.

Enemies are no longer shown on the mini-map as soon as they enter combat, with the player having to tag them to see them and the Artificial Intelligence will be able to remember where a player is hidden for a longer period.

Damage delivered by the player is also reduced to create a more authentic take on warfare as it existed in the timeline of Far Cry Primal and to increase the duration of engagements.

Far Cry Primal also receives some gameplay balancing changes

Players can see the tweaks that Ubisoft made by clicking on the button at the end of this article.

The focus for the day one patch for Far Cry Primal has been on improving overall stability and performance, the way the game looks while introducing some improvements to the way animal companionship works.

The unique feature allows players to use a relatively simple process to tame animals and gain a powerful ally who can be used in combat to even the odds, which seems to be even more important on Expert Mode, or to simply scout the environment.

Saber tooth tigers make excellent companions in the violent world of the game and riding a mammoth is an equally unique experience, especially when assaulting an enemy bonfire.

Far Cry Primal offers an open world experience that will be familiar to all those who love the series while making some interesting changes when it comes to combat and story.

Ubisoft has created special languages for the characters to speak and has sought to create a game world that is as authentic as possible, with a focus on exploration and solid battles.

A full Far Cry Primal Softpedia review offers more details about the main ideas powering the game and explains whether it delivers innovation when compared to the rest of the franchise.

Far Cry Primal Day One Changes