The game will launch in just a little over two weeks

Oct 27, 2015 10:03 GMT  ·  By

Fallout 4 is only a couple of weeks away from launch, and Bethesda decided that this is the perfect time to allow users to pre-load their games all platforms, meaning PC (Steam), Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

The ability to pre-load a game is a very useful one, especially for titles that are probably going to set records. Even with this feature available on all supported platforms, there are going to be a large number of users who will want to download and play it on launch day.

Fallout 4 is one of the most anticipated games of the year, so it's easy to see why servers are going to be brought down by the sheer volume of players.

So, if you already own Fallout 4, or you want to pre-purchase it, don't forget to pre-load it before launch day, which is November 10. The only drawback is that you'll have a small portion of your hard drive, full of content you cannot play for two more weeks, but at least you'll be able to play it on launch day, unlike most other people.

Pre-load should be better advertised

Bethesda chose just to provide us with a tweet that says pre-loading is now available across platforms, but this particular feature is nowhere near receiving enough advertising.

If more publishers and developers implemented this for their game and if the majority of the community members knew about it, maybe we would see less failed launches.

In any case, the important thing is that Fallout 4 is now almost close to launch, and if history is any indication, it has the potential of surpassing Skyrim and almost everything that Bethesda has done until now.

The size on Xbox one is about 20GB and Steam says that it needs 30GB, but on PC that is usually greatly exaggerated. In fact, Skyrim only occupied around 6GB when installed.