The community comes to the rescue of Fallout 4

Nov 18, 2015 13:10 GMT  ·  By

One of the things that Bethesda got wrong with Fallout 4 is the dialog system, which seems to be designed by someone who never played any of the previous games. That system has been corrected by the community with the help of a mod.

Players noticed well before the release of the Fallout 4 that the dialog system was really, really poor. To put it bluntly, it was built for consoles, with just a few words. It makes it hard sometimes to see if your answer is correctly reflected and that's annoying.

To make things worse, the dialog system seems to be getting worse with each new game from Bethesda. The one in their previous game, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, was not great, and it was also fixed with various mods, but at least it allowed users to see more about what's being said.

Full Dialogue Interface mod saves the day

It's not easy to spot the console love that Bethesda is showing right now, but it's clear that the PC community is a lot more active and powerful. Skyrim is still being played today on the PC, but from the looks of it Bethesda doesn't really appreciate this.

Full Dialogue Interface is available right now at, and it's still being built, but it's usable right now. It's marked Beta 1 right now, and that tells a lot about the state of the mod.

The Full Dialogue Interface mod changes the system from a star system with paraphrased words to a list of full questions, neatly organized and accessible with the number keys.

The installation is pretty simple, and there are full instructions on the official website. Also, there are two versions of the mod, one for users with mouse and keyboard, and the other for people with controllers.