Users can also change their profile picture or cover photo

Dec 16, 2015 01:16 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft continues to update the Facebook application for Windows Phone devices, but the latest new features and improvements have been implemented into the beta version only.

Those who are not into testing stuff will be getting these new features in a future update that Microsoft hasn't confirmed yet.

As always, there's no changelog available for this update, but many Facebook Beta users have noticed quite a few important new features that Microsoft did not think would be worth mentioning.

First of all, Facebook addicts who own Windows Phone devices will be pleased to know Microsoft has finally added the ability to change profile picture of the cover photo.

This is probably one of the most requested features for Facebook on Windows Phone platform, and Microsoft has finally decided to make it available to beta users initially.

You can now edit your statuses

Another important new feature that users have noticed is the ability to edit your own status, as well as the option to reply to inline comments.

It's also worth mentioning that this update bumps Facebook Beta to version 10.1.101, so if you don't have it on your Windows Phone handset, then you should check Windows Store for the new build.

If you don't have the beta version of the application installed and wish to try out the new features and see how they work, then you can now download Facebook Beta for Windows Phone for free via Windows Store.

The application should be fully compatible with all devices running Windows Phone 8.1 and up. Keep in mind that you might find issues and bugs, since this is a beta build, so don't install it if you are not into testing new apps.

These new features will probably be implemented into the stable version in a future update that will probably arrive in the coming weeks.