The new company might be financed via Playground Fund

Dec 3, 2015 10:16 GMT  ·  By

If you're unfamiliar with the name Andy Rubin, then maybe you're new on the tech stage. One of the brilliant minds behind what has become the largest mobile operating system on the market, Android, Andy Rubin is planning a comeback in the smartphones sector.

According to a new report coming from The Information, Android co-founder and ex-Googler Andy Rubin feels the need to build new Android smartphones.

Andy Rubin's future company is likely to be financed via Playground Fund, the entity he founded after his departure from Google with which he plans to invest in startups.

Apparently, Playground Fund has already raised more than $300 million, which should be enough to fund a new smartphone company if Rubin wishes so.

It's easier to fund a smartphone company than sell its products

The same report claims Andy Rubin has also tried to recruit personnel that would help build the company. However, for the time being, there's no telling whether or not Rubin will be playing a major role in the future smartphone company.

He might as well play the role of a backer instead of more direct operating role. Andy Rubin has already backed several startups since his departure from Google, including one related to augmented reality and another one that's developing artificial intelligence.

It looks like it took Rubin a few years to come back to Android since none of the startups backed by Playground Fund was related to smartphones.

The Android market has changed through the years, and while it might be much easier to start a new company and launch high-quality smartphones directly to customers, it remains to be seen where Rubin's not-yet-founded company will stand.

The competition on the Android market is pretty fierce, as major players like Samsung, LG, Lenovo, Huawei, and Xiaomi don't leave room for other companies' products.

The question is how Andy Rubin's company will be able to stand out from other companies that are playing a major role in the Android business.