The game's most ambitious expansion arrives in early 2021

Jun 4, 2020 21:30 GMT  ·  By

Elite Dangerous is going the No Man's Sky path with the upcoming expansion Odyssey. Revealed earlier today, Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is scheduled for release in early 2021 for PC and consoles.

According to developer Frontier, this the most ambitious Elite Dangerous expansion since the launch of the game, and we believe that's 100% accurate since Odyssey introduces on-foot exploration and combat.

Odyssey is our most ambitious Elite Dangerous expansion to date. Extending coverage to the super-fine scale that is needed for on-foot gameplay while maintaining the vast raw distances measured in light-years is a huge achievement by the team and greatly extends the already rich Elite Dangerous experience. We hope you will join us to continue this journey of discovery and adventure when Elite Dangerous: Odyssey launches in early 2021,” said David Braben, founder and CEO of Frontier.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey lets players touch down on planets and explore with unrestricted freedom from a first-person, feet-on-the-ground perspective. The expansion will add a wide variety of missions, ranging from diplomacy and commerce to lethal stealth and all-out combat.

Moreover, various settings, objectives, and NPCs will offer endless mission variety and a near-infinite amount of content to enjoy. In Odyssey, coordinating with your teammates will be mandatory for the success of the mission. However, the equipment selection is just as important.

With the introduction of on-foot exploration, a new era for Elite Dangerous opens up. Although we're still more than a half-year away from the release of the expansion, fans already have high hopes for Odyssey.

We're equally excited by Frontier's announcement and can't wait to learn more about all the new stuff in the upcoming expansion. Until then, you can check out the new Elite Dangerous: Odyssey trailer that includes pre-alpha in-engine footage and stay tuned for more on the matter.