A Beta for the upcoming release will be made available

Jun 5, 2018 07:25 GMT  ·  By

Frontier Developments revealed that the Chapter Two of the Beyond series is going to arrive soon and unveiled some of the new gameplay elements that are going to be available.

One of the strengths of Elite Dangerous is the new content that’s being added periodically by the developers. Although, if we were to ask the community what they think about it they would say that it’s not happening often enough.

Frontier Developments launched new series called Beyond and separated into multiple Chapters. The first Chapter has been a success, and the second one is already on its way, and it’s going to be made available in less than a month.

A new ship is coming

The updates for Elite Dangerous are arriving in small increments for a good reason. Since the galaxy is a pretty big place, the chances of something going wrong are pretty significant. So, if the developers pushed a huge update, they could break the game. The alternative is to release smaller expansions that are less likely to affect the gameplay.

The most significant addition is the new ship called the Alliance Challenger, which should be even more resistant than the recently launched Chieftain. Also, a number of new types of Wing Missions are being added, along with new Space Installation interactions.

Furthermore, tech brokers will allow commanders to unlock large weapons versions of the existing guardian tech weapons, which should come in handy when fighting an even more aggressive Thargoid threat.

“This is the first of the two smaller installments coming as part of the Elite Dangerous Beyond series of updates, with a larger coming in Q4 of this year, bringing Squadrons and improvements to Mining and Exploration, and much more! If you’d like to contribute ideas and find out more about what’s coming in the Q4 update, please check out our Focused Feedback forums,” explained the developers.

As usual, expect to get a Beta before the official launch, in which anyone can take part.

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