It's a massive update and just the tip of the iceberg

Mar 1, 2018 07:20 GMT  ·  By

Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter One has finally arrived and it brings so many new features major changes that it’s actually difficult to list them all.

Elite Dangerous is a like a living organism, constantly evolving and changing to become better. One of the agents of change was the community, which pushed Frontier Developments to make modifications to the game that are suite both the lore and the wishes of the players.

The game has been through several massive updates already, and it’s come pretty far from the old versions. So much so, that the developers have started to modify features that were added only last year. In any case, the update is now live and there is a lot to digest.

Just Chapter One

Even if a massive Beta was made available before the launch, the changes made to the game are still taking people by surprise, and for the most part it’s been very well received.

Amongst the biggest changes, we can mention the new Crime & Counter Crime system that’s been drastically upgraded and improved. Bounties and fines have been modified, so that it’s now much clearer where to pay them and how to get rid of them.

Also, the punishment system is much better, which means that the system authorities will be quicker to respond and deadlier. In theory, it should hinder the efforts of players to influence the balance of power in systems.

Of course, one of the major features is the addition of a new ship called the Chieftain, which is designed mostly for combat and for fighting Thargoids. Wing missions have been added as well, and they should prove a welcome distraction.

Another major improvement was made to the Engineering system, which is now much simpler to use and it’s no longer a glorified gambling machine. Now, you always get a positive result when upgrading and tracking the upgrades should be fun.

As you can imagine, the list of changes is a long one, and you can check it in the official forums. Please keep in mind that some of the changes only apply to people that have the Horizons season pass.