The update is live for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4

Mar 19, 2018 13:33 GMT  ·  By

Frontier Developments has released yet another update for Elite Dangerous, fixing a few minor bugs and repairing the Crime and Punishment system.

After the launch of the massive Elite Dangerous: Beyond - Chapter One 3.0 update, players have been reporting a large number of problems, bugs, and balance issues, but that was to be expected since it’s a massive game.

A couple of other patches were launched in the meantime, but some issues still lingered, especially with the newly added Crime and Punishment system. In theory, it should have been much harsher with people coming various crimes, but it turns out that the developers also introduced a few gameplay mechanics that we’re not all that friendly.

What’s in Elite Dangerous 3.0.3?

The biggest issue was with players who were trying to clean “hot” modules and ended up paying a lot more than they had to. Since this new update corrects the problem, the developers decide to clean all hot modules, for everyone and for free.

The team wrote on the forums that “From 3.0.3 you will no longer be able to access outfitting at any port whilst in a ‘hot’ ship, thus you will not be able to make any load-out changes. You’re required to first clean the ship by paying off fines and bounties issued against it. Outfitting services will then be restored. It’s worth noting that we will automatically clean ‘hot’ modules in storage when we deploy this update. We feel this change simplifies the rules even more and prevents players from paying unnecessary amounts of credits.”

Another problem reported was with the Power Bounties, which triggered punishment just like regular bounties, and that wasn’t OK. For now, Interstellar Factors will be able to clean Power Bounties, but it’s only a temporary measure.

As usual, a host of bugs regarding audio, controls, background simulation, engineers, and much more have been squashed. You can check the complete changelog on the official forums or by clicking below for details.

Full Changelog