EA has big plans for the Star Wars universe

Nov 17, 2015 19:22 GMT  ·  By

Electronic Arts and Disney have a licensing deal for Star Wars that will last for ten years, so gamers should be ready to see a lot more games from the publisher.

We all know and love Electronic Arts as a publisher, and we are also quite aware that the company tends to milk all its franchises and IPs for their worth. That also means that Star Wars Battlefront is just the tip of the iceberg.

Electronic Arts is one the biggest publishers in the gaming industry, and a lot of the games released under its umbrella usually come from a licensing deal. This is not unusual, but EA is a business, and its primary goal is to make money. Sitting on a license for too long doesn't seem like good business, so having a lot of OK-ish games instead of just a couple of good ones is a common occurrence.

Star Wars Battlefront is a good start

There is no doubt that Star Wars Battlefront is probably one of the biggest releases of 2015, and if we take a look at the Beta numbers, we can easily surmise that it's a definite hit. It launches today in the US, and the rest of the world will have to wait for a couple more days. Now, do you imagine that Electronic Arts is not going to milk this for as long as possible?

According to a report on gamespot.com, other games based on Star Wars Battlefront will arrive, not to mention the ones that will be based on the recently announced spinoffs.

"We struck a licensing deal with Disney a few years back that's almost ten years in length. The game that comes out tomorrow, Star Wars Battlefront, is a traditional first-person style shooter game. Our goal is to make future Battlefront games as well as other style games around the Star Wars franchise, both on mobile as well as console and PC. It's a huge opportunity for us," said Blake Jorgensen, EA CFO.

He also said that the licensing deals also covered anything related to The Force Awakens as well, so we'll probably know more about these after the next film has been released.