Inspired by books (Roadside Picnic) and post-apocalyptic RPG

Aug 2, 2021 17:44 GMT  ·  By

Encased, the isometric sci-fi RPG developed by Dark Crystal Games, made its debut on PC nearly two years ago, but the game isn’t finished. Currently available via Steam Early Access, Encased already has a lot of fans among cRPG fans.

After spending many years in development, publisher Prime Matter announced that Encased will leave Steam Early Access on September 7. The game will only be available on PC via Steam, Epic Games Store and GOG.

Inspired by classic post-apocalyptic games and even books (i.e., Roadside Picnic), Encased is set in an alternative 1976 and invites players to explore a hostile area called “The Dome.” Although the sealed wasteland is fully packed with stunning technology, players will have to overcome many obstacles and battle deadly enemies to get their hands on the best gadgets in the game.

Players start the game in one of the five divisions of the CRONUS Corporation, each with its own features, mechanics, and game options: science, engineering, security, management, or convict. These disciplines affect both player’s stats and specialization, opening (or preventing) unique dialogues within the game.

Just like in many other classic RPG, Encased features elements of exploration, combat and quest interactions. A survival aspect is included too, as players must find or create supplies and ammo as they explore the game world.

At launch, Encased will feature six different factions that roam The Dome in search for easy prey. Throughout their playthroughs, players will be able to befriend some of these factions or turn them into fierce enemies.

While leveling up, players can focus on their preferred playstyle: stealth, melee combat, sniper rifles, psionics or diplomacy. Naturally, any combination of these is perfectly viable, it’s all up to the player how to mix and match these specializations.

Currently, Encased is available for purchase via Steam for $25, but we’re not sure if the final build will also bring a price hike.

Encased screenshots (7 Images)

Encased artwork