Gamers will be able to use it to compete with one another

Apr 28, 2016 21:11 GMT  ·  By

The coming Doom reboot is aiming to deliver a classic take on the first-person shooter that will embrace the speed and violence that defined the first installments in the franchise. According to id Software, no one inside the company has yet been able to beat the campaign on the highest difficulty setting, which will be called Ultra Nightmare.

According to Marty Stratton, the executive producer, and Hugo Martin, the creative director, the game will challenge players to make progress against the second toughest level of enemies while also having to deal with the fact that they only have one life to move through the entire game.

Stratton is quoted by Gamespot as saying that, "When you die, it drops a helmet, a Doom marine helmet, in the world and your friends will see those, and you'll see them. So you can always try and get a little bit further than where you see that collection of helmets early in the game."

id Software wants players to actually compete against one another to see which one manages to move the farthest in the single-player campaign when playing on Ultra Nightmare.

Doom aims to deliver compelling single- and multiplayer modes

The single-player campaign might be challenging, especially for those looking for a tough experience, but the upcoming first-person shooter will only be considered a success if it delivers a good multiplayer experience that will remain engaging as time passes after launch.

id Software says that the core mechanics are those fans already know and like, but they are also introducing an ability to become a demon at certain moments during a match and littering the maps with power-ups and weapons that can change the course of a game.

Doom will also have a progression system that will allow gamers to unlock customization options and other tweaks as they gather experience.

id Software is also delivering a new SnapMap tool that will give members of the community a quick editor that they can use to create and then share content with the rest of the fans.

Finally, the development team has promised to support the shooter with a variety of new maps, demons, and modes that are covered by the already available Season Pass.

Doom will be launched on the PC, the PlayStation 4 from Sony, and the Xbox One from Microsoft on May 13 all over the world.