The team wants gamers to be satisfied with their rewards

Apr 1, 2016 08:43 GMT  ·  By

The coming April update for Destiny is designed to introduce some big changes to the loot and reward systems, and the developers at Bungie are apparently paying attention to the criticism coming from fans regarding the kinds of items that they want to emphasize in the gear system.

According to a Twitter message from the company, the designers decided that when a player picks up a Legendary piece of equipment in one of the new Sterling Treasure boxes and decides to dismantle it, they will get new Chroma and not the normal Legendary marks.

Since The Taken King was launched, the most dedicated of players have managed to accumulate enough of the end-game currency to get access to all the interesting rewards they want that use it, and adding more to their inventory would serve little purpose.

By delivering Chroma instead for Legendary gear dismantling, Bungie is making sure that the players have quick access to one of the new features coming in the April update and get more cosmetic options for their equipment.

The Sterling Treasure is offered for completing activities in the game and is designed to give gamers some of the most powerful gear in Destiny, allowing them to choose how they want to equip their Guardian for battle.

The April update will also introduce more actual gameplay

Cosmetic tweaks and new weapons and armor are a good way to boost interest in Destiny, but Bungie is also offering a new mission, called At the Gates, and an extra strike, named the Blighted Chalice, with another one delivered for gamers who own the social shooter on the PlayStation 4.

The maximum Light level for all Guardians gets a boost to 335, and the Prison of Elders mode is also getting some changes, with players now able to tackle harder challenges when they want to get access to better rewards.

The April update for Destiny will also make tweaks to the normal sandbox and the Crucible, which the development team is set to detail in a live stream that will take place on Wednesday, April 6.

The free update is designed to rekindle interest in the video game after a series of failed events and blunders linked to matchmaking made it less attractive in late 2015 and early 2016.

According to Bungie and Activision, the plan is to deliver a paid and bigger expansion for Destiny this year and to launch a full sequel to the social shooter at some point in 2017.