A new fix might arrive before year's end

Dec 18, 2015 09:06 GMT  ·  By

Bungie might be getting ready to deliver the biggest content update since The Taken King expansion arrived for Destiny during the first few months of next year, but gamers who play the social shooter will still have a lot to do until then in the social shooter, with a focus on Player versus Player combat in the coming Iron Banner.

All those who love the Sparrow Racing League will be able to take part in another Bungie Bounty event on December 22 on the Xbox One, between 4 and 6 PM Pacific Time, with those who manage to win races against the developers able to take home a special emblem.

The official announcement also explains that "Hours after Amanda takes down the flags for her (wait for it) Holliday Event, the honorable Saladin (he of the Iron Lords) will raise his banners in the Tower. In keeping with his powerful tradition, one of them will be set ablaze."

Iron Banner for Destiny will be re-introduced at 10 AM Pacific Time on Thursday, December 29, with gamers asked to compete in the Control mode.

Bungie is offering an early look at the kinds of rewards that gamers will be able to get if they perform well, including rifles, shotguns, pieces of armor and some equipment that can only be used on the PlayStation 4 home console.

It seems that Iron Banner will not get any major tweaks to the mechanics, which means players will be able to focus on the competition and the cool prizes that they can win.

Before the Sparrow Racing, League ends, Bungie also offers a full look at the performance of the community in the official blog post.

Destiny will continue to evolve during 2016

The development team says that it has been tracking a number of issues since the 2.1.0, and the quick hotfix for it were delivered earlier in December.

A full list can be seen by clicking on the button at the end of this article, and it seems that Bungie is getting ready to deploy at least a new hotfix or minor numbered patch before the end of the year.

The company has also suggested that it might re-evaluate the process that allows gamers to use real world money to first get Silver and then spend it on emotes in the Eververse Trading Company.

Gamers who want to make quick progress in Destiny also have the options to buy the Sparks that allow them to push one Guardian instantly to level 25 so that they can then experience content associated with The Taken King.

The live team at Bungie is working on new and free content for the video game that is supposed to be delivered in the coming months, although its full nature has not been revealed yet.

The social shooter is one of the most successful titles of the year despite the fact that it was first introduced in 2014, and both the developer and publisher Activision are eager to make sure that it continues to perform well.

Destiny Tracked Issues

Destiny Iron Banner Images (7 Images)

Destiny Iron Banner s coming back on December 29
Destiny Iron Banner riflesDestiny Iron Banner shotguns