The company explains how the core mechanics are changing

Apr 12, 2016 23:30 GMT  ·  By

Today, Bungie has delivered the new April update for Destiny, labeled 2.2.0, for gamers on all platforms, and the company is continuing its tradition of only offering the full patch notes when the changes it has made are live.

Gamers who want to take a look at everything that has been changed and fixed when it comes to the core mechanics of the social shooter can click on the button at the end of this article to see how their own experience will be impacted.

Bungie is offering information on the new improved Light level associated with Destiny and the way it has tweaked the Prison of Elders to attract more gamers and to offer more interesting rewards for Guardians.

The studio has tweaked the way a range of weapons and armor work in the video game, and there are also tweaks associated with other game modes, and the developers are aiming to get players to diversify the kinds of items that they rely on in combat.

The April update also features extra customization via Chroma, and there are more items to pick up via the Eververse Trading Company.

Bungie is also saying that it is actively working with the community to make sure that it solves all issues that update 2.2.0 has introduced to Destiny, and it is currently tracking problems associated with missing Sterling Treasure boxes and clan tags that no longer show up.

The game will receive a paid expansion before the end of the year

According to the studio, it is focusing on extra Player versus Environment activities because of requests coming from fans, and that means a new strike, an extra mission and more are now offered.

The player base has been so far satisfied with the April free update for Destiny, but despite the big balance improvements and the tweaks to resurrection and classes, it will probably not be long before they ask the developer to introduce more new content.

Activision and Bungie are saying that a full paid expansion for the social shooter will be introduced before the end of the year, but no information about it has been disclosed so far, and an official reveal will probably come during the summer, with a fall launch date.

The two companies have also confirmed that they are working on a sequel that is set to arrive in 2017, with rumors claiming that concerns over quality have prompted a delay for the new title.

Destiny April Update Changes