Three major manufacturers are being introduced

Jul 23, 2015 23:02 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer Bungie has already offered details about the tweaks that it plans to introduce for the weapon balance in the 2.0 update for Destiny, and it is now ready to talk about the big armory upgrade that the social shooter will get when the new The Taken King expansion arrives.

The official Weekly Update explains that there are more new weapons and items coming on September 15 to all platforms than were part of the title when it was first launched in 2014.

Bungie is giving fans a sneak peek by talking about three of the manufacturers that will be featured and the kind of hardware they will be offering.

Hakke will maximize effectiveness but does not care about form, with perk selections that will feature improve firepower and combat tactics, with less subtlety than for other companies.

Omolon is a pioneer of energy weaponry, and they are working on the bleeding edge of science and create futuristic designs that often use tech that is not entirely understood.

The status and powers of the wielder are affected by the offered perks.

Finally, Suros is overly interested in design and offers weapons that can be easily customized for a variety of situations, driven by the needs of the players who use them.

Destiny will enhance all features with The Taken King

Bungie makes it clear that many more weapons will be offered in the expansion, both from the above mentioned manufacturers and from other companies.

The company adds, "Factions will have their guns. Classes will have their own guns. More Quests will lead you directly to specific guns. Even the Gunsmith will have a new way to include you in his enterprise. We’ll inspect all of that as well before you earn the means to equip yourselves to meet a rising threat."

Update 2.0 for Destiny is designed to alter the base stats for most weapon classes and to make significant changes to some of the guns that the community is making extensive use of.

The Taken King for the shooter will introduce a new major six man raid focused on Oryx and will also add a big new dreadnought area to explore.

The Crucible is getting new game modes and the level cap for all Guardians is being increased, while three subclasses are being added to increase group variety.

Destiny The Taken King Weapon Images (18 Images)

Destiny Hakke weapon
Destiny character lookDestiny design