More changes to core mechanics are coming in December

Nov 5, 2015 22:40 GMT  ·  By

The development team in charge of Destiny is ready to celebrate a successful week of trials of Osiris gameplay, but even as gamers take each other out in search of rewards, they are also looking to the future and the tweaks that are coming to the social shooter in the November update.

At the moment, the changes linked to 2.02 are expected to be introduced just before Thanksgiving, and the studio wants to make sure that it alleviates the weapon part shortage that many members of the community have been complaining about after the most recent update.

The official site weekly update states, ”My Boss says things are getting dire for him! He’s down to only 1,656 of them, so we need to act fast. As part of the November update, we’re authorizing Banshee-44 as your Weapon Parts dealer. He’ll accept Glimmer as a form of payment.”

The change is prompted by player feedback, and Bungie says that it will share more details about the update when it gets closer to its release date.

The studio is also planning to modify some other features of the Destiny economy in December, when Petra will be interested in the Etheric Light that players have and Eris will be interested in any extra Worm Spore that Guardians have access to.

The company also advises players who are aiming to get one of the masks or other content linked to the Halloween event to do so as soon as possible, either by playing or by getting them from the Eververse Trading Company, because the celebration will go offline on November 9.

Trials of Osiris is more challenging than ever in Destiny

According to the developer, fewer gamers were able to get to the Lighthouse, mainly because of the tweaked matchmaking system that made the mode more competitive.

Bungie says that it is watching player matches in order to make further refinements to the system, which will likely be part of the December update as well.

The company is not yet saying when it plans to offer more missions and quests to the fan community, but it is likely that a content drop will take place before the end of the year.

The revenue derived from microtransactions linked to the Eververse Trading Company is used to give more resources to a live team that is supposed to introduce events and other new content that keeps gamers engaged.

An executive working on the publishing division at Activision has recently said that classic paid expansions, like The Taken King, might be introduced to the social shooter in the future and that they can co-exist with the new business model.

At the moment, Destiny has more than 25 million registered accounts, although not all of them are still active, and gamers spend, on average, more than 3 hours a day engaging with the shooter.

Rumors are saying that Bungie is using most of its resources to create a sequel that is supposed to arrive on the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 before the end of 2016.